Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
Episode 65: Women in Critical Care Mini-Series - Stereotype Threats
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
In this episode, critical care physician guest host, Dr. Kirsten Steffner, will discuss stereotype threat, building trust, and self-affirmation with Dr. Claude Steele, Professor of Psychology at Stanford University. Stereotype threat describes the experience when an individual's awareness of a widely known negative stereotype interferes with his or her cognitive function and overall performance. Join us as we discuss how to recognize the stereotype threats that exist in our environments and improve engagement with our work and communities.
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CME Information: https://stanford.cloud-cme.com/medcastepisode65
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Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Episode 64: Pediatric Pulse Mini-Series - Innovation 101
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
In this episode, we speak with Charlette Stallworth, Vice President of Business Development and Innovation at Stanford Children’s Health. Our focus today is to better understand the process of innovation and the evolution of healthcare apps. The future of healthcare apps is exciting - these apps may be able to facilitate the delivery of services that seek to improve care and reduce cost. Apps may be used for population health analytics, integration of data from multiple devices that track fitness and activity, monitoring and improvement of medication adherence, chronic disease management, and identification of high-risk and high-cost patients and the coordination of their care. Listen in on this very informative discussion on Innovation 101.
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CME Information: https://stanford.cloud-cme.com/medcastepisode64
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Monday May 29, 2023
Monday May 29, 2023
In this episode, our critical care specialists guest hosts, Dr. Kirsten Steffner and Dr. Amanda Schilling will focus on physician well-bring and burnout with Dr. Rebecca Margolis and Dr. Jina Sinskey. Dr. Margolis is the Director of Well-Being in the Department of Anesthesiology Critical Care Medicine and Associate Professor of Clinical Anesthesiology, Keck School of Medicine of USC. Dr. Sinskey is an Associate Professor of Anesthesia at the University of California, San Francisco. Together, we will discuss the signs and symptoms of burnout and how it applies to careers in medicine. We will also identify key concepts of wellness within both home-life and work-life. Listen in to learn about the techniques to help promote wellness and the tools to combat burnout and empathy fatigue, which will allow for improved work performance and patient care.
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CME Information: https://stanford.cloud-cme.com/medcastepisode63
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Monday May 15, 2023
Episode 62: Hot Topics Mini-Series - What’s Trending in Gut Health?
Monday May 15, 2023
Monday May 15, 2023
In this episode, we talk with Dr. Justin Sonnenburg, Professor of Microbiology & Immunology at Stanford University. He is a leading expert in the field of gut microbiota and has made significant contributions to understanding how they impact human health. We will discuss the structure of the gut microbiome and microbiota variability and how these can change in response to diet and environment. We will explore the early establishment of your microbiome and how your mode of delivery into the world (C-section or not) shapes your gut. Our discussion also includes lifestyle factors that can alter your microbiome and the integral role the gut microbiome plays in communicating to other organs, including your brain.
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CME Information: https://stanford.cloud-cme.com/medcastepisode62
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Monday May 01, 2023
Monday May 01, 2023
In this episode, we hold a conversation with Dr. Carolyn Bertozzi, a Nobel Prize laureate in Bioorthogonal Chemistry, and Professor in the School of Humanities and Sciences at Stanford University. We will delve into Professor Bertozzi’s journey to become a chemistry research scientist and all of the achievements she has made along the way. We will also talk about her discovery of bioorthogonal chemistry and the impact it has on medicine today and in the future.
For information on training programs in biomedical PhD programs, please visit The Sarafan ChEM-H/IMA Postbaccalaureate Program.
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CME Information: https://stanford.cloud-cme.com/medcastepisode61
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Monday Apr 17, 2023
Monday Apr 17, 2023
In today’s episode, we speak with Latha Palaniappan MD who is an internist, and clinical and population researcher at Stanford University. Her research has focused on the study of diverse populations, chronic disease and prevention. Dr. Palaniappan specifically seeks to address the gap in knowledge of health in Asian subgroups and other understudied racial/ethnic minorities). We will discuss Dr. Palaniappan's work in treating chronic heart health seen in this diverse population of patients.
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CME Information: https://stanford.cloud-cme.com/medcastepisode60
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Monday Apr 10, 2023
Monday Apr 10, 2023
In this episode, we focus on women in critical care medicine with Dr. Vanessa Bohns, a social psychologist, professor and chair or organizational behavior at Cornell University. We will discuss cognitive biases that lead employees to underestimate their influence over others in the workplace. Our discussion will include how underestimation of influence may be at play within the context of medicine and identifying moderating factors that attenuate the underestimation effect. We will also focus on real-world solutions to help employees more fully recognize their influence over other members of the organization.
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CME Information: https://stanford.cloud-cme.com/medcastepisode59
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Monday Apr 03, 2023
Episode 58: Hot Topics Mini-Series - Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Monday Apr 03, 2023
In this episode, we speak with Danielle Dawes, a women’s health nurse practitioner at Stanford University about perinatal mental health and how it is diagnosed. We also discuss the stigma associated with the conditions that fall under the umbrella of Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders, which refers to “a mental health disorder experienced during pregnancy, after having a new baby, adopting, or experiencing pregnancy/infant loss." Our conversation includes screening tools and resources to help patients. Additionally, Danielle shares various treatment options available to patients, including non-pharmacological strategies, such as exercise, meditation, proper sleep hygiene and more.
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CME Information: https://stanford.cloud-cme.com/medcastepisode58
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Monday Mar 20, 2023
Episode 57: Hot Topics Mini-Series: Women in Medicine
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Monday Mar 20, 2023
In honor of Women's History Month, in this episode, we continue to focus on sharing stories of women in medicine. Today, we speak with Dr. Carla Pugh who is a Professor of Surgery at Stanford University School of Medicine. Our discussion will focus on when Dr. Pugh first considered pursuing medicine and what sparked her interest. Dr. Pugh will share her journey with us, her insights into what helped her get to where she is today and the she will also talk about the issues facing minority women in medicine today.
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CME Information: https://stanford.cloud-cme.com/medcastepisode57
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Monday Mar 06, 2023
Episode 56: Hot Topics Mini-Series - Women in Medicine
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Monday Mar 06, 2023
In this episode, we focus on the impact of Women in Medicine, with Raji Koppolu, a pediatric nurse practitioner with the general surgery service at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford. Raji provides direct clinical care in both inpatient and ambulatory settings and has been involved in the development of the trauma and injury prevention programs and subspecialty general surgery clinics. She has a strong interest in the transition of complex patients from hospital to home. Today, Raji shares her journey as a nurse practitioner and advocate for children, through her work as a clinician in clinical care to health policy and QI.
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CME Information: https://stanford.cloud-cme.com/medcastepisode56
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Ruth Adewuya, MD, CHCP is the Managing Director of the Stanford Continuing Medical Education, where she leads the strategic planning and delivery of professional development courses, workshops, and initiatives. She works with Stanford faculty, students, staff, and external collaborators to build compelling educational programs that reach learners across the world. Dr. Adewuya develops online and blended learning strategies, leading teams responsible for continuing education accreditation, instructional design, program implementation, and evaluation. She has extensive experience in the development, deployment, and facilitation of clinical medical education for healthcare providers as well as pharmaceutical and medical device industry groups.
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